Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Bullrun 2006: Blogging at 200mph

The good people at Shoreline Motoring wired a Kyocera KR1 EVDO WiFi Router into the Lamborghini. I got the KR1 from Booster-Antenna who have always been a top-notch operation.

Here's a few things we noticed about the router:

· The WEP encryption does not work well with the Mac, which is to say, I do not know how to set it up properly and I'm certainly not reading a manual. There will be no security on our WiFi network, so if you can keep up with us, you can get online.

· It takes a helluva long time for the router to power up, start WiFi services and finally make an EVDO connection. This is somewhat expected, but an annoyance nonetheless...

· The connection kind of fails at speeds greater than 90 mph. There will be no 200mph blogging...



Unknown said...

Internet access in vehicles is incredible in any vehicle, especially in a Lamborghini . This may be something that mph club™ should consider.

Unknown said...
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