Friday, July 14, 2006

Bullrun 2006: More NY Pictures

I'm rocking the Nikon D200. I picked it up for the Bullrun and have been using it. A lot. Here are some pics I took:

This is the helicopter I fly from JFK Airport to Manhattan. It's run by US Helicopter Service and is probably the greatest invention ever.

The Chopper

Here's a shot of me in the helicopter while we're taking off. I wonder how I got that photo?

The Chopper, Taking Off
The new AmericanAirlines terminal is actually quite nice, but the Admiral's Club is a tad small...

AmericanAirlines Terminal
Some overhead photos of Brooklyn on a VERY cloudy day.

The Statue of Liberty (Barely)

Statue of Liberty
A very grey downtown skyline...

Downtown Skyline, Approaching Wall Street
The bar at Capsuoto Freres.

Capsuoto Freres
The bar at Grace (Do you see the theme?)

From my apartment we've got great views of the neon pier

View from my apartment... The Neon Pier...
And the midtown skyline at night. Hot.

View from my apartment... Midtown Skyline...

Note: There will be NO photos posted of our Kareoke Adventure in Flushing last Thursday.

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