Thursday, August 10, 2006

Bullrun 2006: License Plate on Gizmodo

Gizmodo is probably one of my favorite blogs. It's something I check several times a day and they always have something great.

In fact, they picked up our license plate test video, but because we were on the road at the time I totally missed. it.

I love those guys...


Jonathan said...

Haha, I read that post on Gizmodo. I love those guys too!

Shona said...

'Ello Rory et Emil....

Just a quick thanks for such great blogging en route! Fantastic first-hand coverage to the masses from the road.

The boys did good!



EmilGH said...

Didn't say fake... I said dumb. "Old Autos?" Come back in 20 years and shoot the Lambo. :-)

EmilGH said...

She did a very good interview, by the way.

franklovecchio said...

So I looked into getting SPD or LC glass from the major manufacturers, and only one of them would sell me 12"x6" pieces at about $200 a pop. Is this what you are using, and if so, where the hell did you get it!? E-mail me if necessary. Thanks!